November 21st: Like It Or Not

Good evening all,

Introducing someone – or a group of someones – to music is an experience I’ve had the absolute pleasure of experiencing a number of times and it’s unparalleled. Bob Moses now exists in my mind as one of those groups. A stranger introduced them to me via relentless excitement and determination, and then I shared them with everyone who would listen with a similar, marginally subtler gusto. One of my favorite people I’ve ever met spoke to me with more excitement and honesty in his voice about this band than any conversation we’d had prior to this after I forced them into his life; sure, I wasn’t doing my job, but couples were making out within the hour, so you tell me.

I’ve shared the ultimate track in their debut, but Like It Or Not is the opener.

Ethereal house music is your new best friend.


ps. I can’t have a conversation about someone and then not post a song about them. Positive or negative, if I ever act like you don’t affect my life, I’m a fucking liar.

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